Development of target group-adaptable products and services, to promote decentralized systems for energy, food, water and medicinal plants by using the only freely available energy source, the sun.
The Hella Boccara Foundation has the goal to improve the quality of life in the Global South by helping to reduce the prosperity gap between the Global North and the Global South. With its own projects and developments, the Foundation enables the creation of autonomous and sustainable structures that use solar energy as an energy source, based on decentralized, low-threshold and efficient technologies.
Solar energy is the largest and most reliable source of energy in the Global South. Combined with appropriate storage technologies it is always available, clean and free of charge. This reduces dependencies of non-regenerative sources of energy and makes them obsolete step by step. Thus, economic independence and prosperity are strengthened and emissions responsible for the global climate change are avoided.
To accomplish its goals, the Hella Boccara Foundation coordinates the transfer of technologies based on solar energy to the Global South through its Transfer, Technology and Training Centers (TTT Centers).
The related technologies were developed by a core group of developers around the solar-energy pioneer Jürgen Kleinwächter:
to convert the sun's radiation directly or indirectly into all required forms of energy
to store energy in a sustainable and efficient way
to create energy-adaptive micro environments (microclimate zones).
to promote self-regulating systems for the production of food and medicinal plants
The technologies promoted by the Hella Boccara Foundation can be freely combined and allow for complete autonomous villages, ecologic greenhouses and other systems. These will be built and maintained locally, thus creating stable jobs. Demonstrations and trainings will be provided at the Technology, Training and Transfer Centers (TTT).
The TTT-Centers will invite interested people from all regions in need, and transfer the necessary knowledge and training during courses, both in practice and theory. Each TTT will also be a 'living lab' since its crew and the visitors will live by using its technical creations and contribute to its permanent optimization through fruitful, mutual experience and knowledge exchange.